the art of CHOICE

Making Changes that Count in Work and Life

The Art of Choice:

Making Changes that Count in Work and Life

Author Terry Warren is passionate about helping people employ intention and commitment to achieve what they may not have believed was possible. Using a collaborative and compassionate approach, The Art of Choice: Making Changes that Count in Work and Life offers lessons from business leaders, along with keys for gaining perspective, experiencing clarity, and achieving results whether you are starting out in your career, facing a major life decision, or nearing retirement. 

Central to Terry’s work and life are his confidence in our human potential, his strong Christian faith, his commitment to family and community, and his appreciation of art. As an accomplished landscape painter, Terry has learned to see every situation from a variety of angles. Such a broadening of perspective is just one of the skills you’ll experience in The Art of Choice


“We are brainwashed to think the workaholic wins the race, but this isn’t true. Life is a marathon, not a 100-yard dash. Leaders who keep balance in the main areas of life not only do better but also enjoy getting there much more. For example: Viewing life as a continuous education//being a student of everything; Working hard all to the glory of God; Being a husband unconditionally committed to his marriage and passionately adoring his wife; Being a father fully engaged with his children; Developing an inner circle of people to be transparent with in sharing life’s joys and its sorrows; Being a person who actively pursues his health; Having faith that functions as the foundation supporting all the rest. Through my fifty-year friendship with Terry Warren, he has lived out these principles, and he captures them well in the wise words of this book.”

Steve Lynn

Retired Food Services CEO

“This book meets you wherever you are on your journey. The author culls the wisdom of successful people, combines that with his own experience and insight, and presents this in a readable and inspirational manner. The end result is that within the pages of The Art of Choice each one of us learns how to access our God-given power for whatever we need on this adventure we call life.”

Pat White

Master Certified Coach,

“Terry Warren is a man of deep conviction and faith. I feel blessed to have had many deep and meaningful conversations with him. Many coaches care about their clients, yet Terry takes caring and compassion to a whole new level at a time on the planet that we can use his brand of leadership. My experience of being with him is that he is deeply spiritual, and he knows how to apply principles and ideas in tangible and practical ways. In The Art of Choice, he does a brilliant job of blending all the necessary ingredients to inspire his readers into action. He does this with his book, and he does this with his coaching. I will be sharing this accessible and powerful information with many of my friends and clients.”

Stephen McGhee

Stephen McGhee Leadership Inc.,



Hope for the Caregiver

Big Blend Radio

Training Unleashed

Conversations Live!, WMPR (coming soon)

Start Making Changes That Count

Digital images and book reference available for download

Connect with Terry

If you want to chat about a passion for sharing how art informs his coaching and how coaching informs his art, ways to get unstuck or sharing a vision for future leaders, don’t hesitate to reach out.